Jacaranda Animal Hospital
Kelley Garner D.V.M.
(941) 497-1676
725 Shamrock Blvd, Venice Fl. 34293
Email Us : jahreception@gmail.com

Patient Pet Portals

Access your pet's vaccine history, check your next appointment date, schedule an appointment or even request a medication refill with a few simple clicks. Our online Pet Portals gives you access to all of these services! All you need to do is give us your email address when you're in the office and you will be emailed a login to your account. Pet Portal users also get great perks! If we have a picture of your pet in our system you will get a pet id card and key tag when your pet's vaccinations are done. This card is very helpful to show your pet's proof of vaccination. Check with us on your next visit to make sure we have a picture of your pet in your file.
Pet Wellness Phone App
Keep track of all your pet's reminders, prescriptions and appointments with our Pet Wellness Phone App! Use the links below to install the app on your phone.
IPhone Users:
Android Users:
Once you download the app you will want to click the "Don't have a code" option, just under the submit button. Use the email address you gave the hospital for your records and then your code will be sent to that email.